So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Netwest Writers Conference Registration form is online

I am constantly reminded of how lucky we are to live in this area where writers abound and writing opportunities are so numerous.

The information about the Netwest Writers Conference which has been in the works for sometime, is now up and answers all the questions of Who, What, Where and When.

Visit this link to find a registration form to complete and print out for mailing with your check. Even though the presenters are some of the best writers and poets in North Carolina, the fees are exceptionally low, especially for NCWN members. 

Many of us worked for several years on the anthology Echoes Across the Blue Ridge which includes work by writers living in the Netwest region. That includes nine counties west of Asheville and bordering counties in Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. Sales of that book enable us to hold events such as the Netwest Writers Conference and to keep our member fees very reasonable. 

Keynote speaker on May 10 in Sylva, NC will be Judy Goldman, author of Losing My Sister, a lovely memoir, well-written and moving. Judy has many books to her publishing credit and you can read more about her on her website. Judy will teach a workshop in the afternoon at the conference.

Susan Snowden, author and editor of her own firm, will teach an hour and 45 minute workshop on Fiction. I encourage all writers of short story, flash fiction and novels, to take advantage of the opportunity to listen to Susan and work with her that afternoon.

Gary Carden, highly honored and well published playwright will share time with Dr. Newton Smith on the program. Their subject will be researching and writing about the disaster at the Cowee Tunnel. Gary is working on a play about this subject.

William Everett, poet and author of several books, is also on the program. Read more about this writer here.

Having as members and leaders of Netwest, two poets of note such as Kathryn Stripling Byer and Nancy Simpson to lead a session on Finding Readership for your Poetry, sets this conference apart. I hope you will take the time right now to register and reserve your place.

The beautiful Jackson County Public Library is the venue and the doors will be open at 9:15. Plan to stay all day and mingle and network and just bask in the presence of so much creative talent as you will find within the walls and on the porches of this historic place. 

City Lights Books of Sylva will be on hand all day to be sure the books you want are available. If you are a Netwest member or on the faculty for this event, contact Chris at City Lights to see how to have your books on the table. 

At noon we will have an hour to eat and visit with each other outside and inside. Contact information is on I'll see you there.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Coffee with the Poets and Writers pics

Deanna Klingel and Madonna Wise

Deanna Klingel author of several young adult novels as well as other historical books talked on truth in fiction.  CWPW, sponsored by NCWN West, meets each month at Blue Mountain Coffee and Grill and the event is open to the public.

Ellen Schofield talks to Bob Grove and Wally Avett while Roy Underwood, far right, listens.
In the center our busy waitress at Blue Mountain rushes to take good care of us.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Good News for Abbie Johnson Taylor

We are happy to learn that one of our most loyal readers, Abbie Johnson Taylor, will soon have a poetry book published by Finishing Line Press.

That’s Life: New and Selected Poems, includes a poem about her wedding day. Little did she know on that lovely day, her husband would suffer a stroke within months, and she would become a 24/7 caregiver until his death six years later.

See part of one of her poems below:

Life Change

On a sunny day, a strong breeze

lifts hems of dresses.

Balloons, tree branches sway.

Framed by an arch of pink and purple flowers,

as traffic rushes by,

we stand before those we love,

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Don't Miss Out on Writing News

Our list of subscribers is growing and that makes me very happy. If you are not one of them, please look on the sidebar of this blog and see where you can enter your email address and receive my new posts right in your Inbox. You won't miss any news or interesting posts on writers and writing. 

The public will not see your email address. It is used to send the new posts when they are published. If you see a post in your Inbox and you like the subject, open it and read. If you don't have time or don't like the title, just delete and go on with your day. Subscribing to this blog will not increase your Spam or in any way jeopardize your identity. I don't even use the subscribers' listing to send out email. I seldom even see it. 

Your subscription to this blog will better enable search engines to find Writers Circle and make it easier for others to contact those who might help them with their writing. 
So, sign up on the Sidebar and become a subscriber.
Thank you all for your loyalty over the years and for sending others to this page. My readers are the best.

Monday, March 10, 2014

A bowl of little green turtles

Below is an excerpt from an article on, an interview with poet Mark Doty. He explains so knowingly how we humans persevere, even after tragedy hits and slaps us down again and again. 

Read the article, but first read this:
“I was walking on Broadway one day in SoHo and came upon an Asian woman who was sitting on the sidewalk selling, of all things, tiny green turtles. She had them contained in a big white enamel bowl, and the little things were climbing over each other trying to get out, then sliding back down into the bowl again once they made it a ways up toward the rim. They were so beautiful—brilliantly green—and seemed so absurdly fragile; how could anything that tiny make it in New York City? 

That’s how poems usually start for me: I begin with a description of some little thing that’s moved or interested me, and then, if I’m lucky, the process of writing teaches me why whatever it is matters. The turtles were such a potent image of ourselves: our incredible human persistence despite our frailty. We want to connect, to love, to move forward—we will climb up the sides of that bowl no matter what!”   
            ---poet, Mark Doty 

As poets, we want to learn and to teach what we see as important about little moments that move us. A good poem will do that.

Have you read any good poems today?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Netwest Writers Conference Presenter

Meet Susan Snowden, author and editor who will be a presenter at the Netwest Writers Conference on May 10 in Sylva, NC.

An Atlanta native, Susan Snowden moved to the mountains of western NC in 1995 to have more time to write. Since then her work—fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry—has been published in more than forty literary journals and anthologies. She has received seventeen honors and awards for her writing, including a gold medal in 2013 for her first novel, Southern Fried Lies (IPPY Award; Best Fiction, Southeast Region). Susan has taught writing at Georgia State University in Atlanta, and at Blue Ridge Community in Flat Rock, NC. She’s also worked as a freelance book editor since 1985, editing fiction and nonfiction for publishers and authors. (  

The conference will be a one day event at the beautiful public library of Jackson County. This building was once the majestic courthouse sitting on a hill that can be seen for miles around the picturesque little town of Sylva. It has been renovated and made into an exceptional library and event center. 
Registration information for the conference will soon be available at

Monday, March 3, 2014

Creating a Poetry Book - hard work but seems easy for Scott Owens

I am in process of putting together a second poetry chapbook, this one with the theme of love and loss. I asked my friend, Maren Mitchell, author of Beat Chronic Pain, an Insider’s Guide, and a well-published poet, to look at my collection and give me her thoughts on the poems I had chosen.
I think that judging your own poems for a book is the hardest thing! She made me realize that all the poems can’t be downers, but that I must use some upbeat work as well. She talked about the ending, the last poem in the book.

In selecting poems for a manuscript, they should transition well, one into the next. According to NancySimpson who helped me with my first chapbook, Now Might as Well be Then, published by Finishing Line Press in 2009, even the repetition of a word in the next poem helps keep the story moving along.
Poet Scott Owens

Recently I enjoyed reading Scott Owens’ latest poetry collection, The Eye of the Beholder. Never have I read so many poems that made me feel as deeply as Scott’s words did. The entire book is filled with love – finding love, keeping love, being amazed at love, losing love. I felt pain and sadness and I felt warmth and joy. His honesty in portraying his desire for his wife; his openness in showing how two lovers can live on and on, even as time changes them physically, but does not dim his adoration for her. What I really like about Scott’s poetry is that I understand what he means to communicate, at least what he tells me in his work, although you might relate in an entirely different way.

In the poem, Since You Went Away, I relate to the abject loneliness expressed in these words:
“I try to sleep diagonally across the bed
to use all the space I always claimed to be   
in short supply, but in the morning
I’m crowded to one side again,
my right arm thrown across the empty

Friends ask me if I miss you, what I do without you.
I tell them I’m fine. But I’m tired
of going places and not knowing why,
and I’m tired of this space
beside me growing, wanting to be filled. 

Scott Owens will teach a workshop at Writers Circle studio September 13. He will read at Writers Night out that evening. Check out our schedule page for more information. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

A Rock and a Hard Place by Deanna Klingel

My good friend, Deanna Klingel, is launching a new book this weekend. I look forward to reading it as Deanna's books are all good. If possible, I want to go to this event.

Sunday, March 9, 1:00-4:00 pm
St. Jude Church, 3011 U.S. Highway 64 East, Cashiers
Deanna Klingel will celebrate the release of A Rock and a Hard Place, A Lithuanian Love Story. Lithuanian food, beverage, music, book discussion, reading, signing, and meet the couple about whom the book was written. Bring your friends and family. 

If you can't be there in person, you can still be part of the party. On Friday before the event, go to Behind the tab "Rock & A Hard Place" you will find recipes to try at home. On Sunday the day of the event, go to and order a book, then send e-mail with your name and address to She will send you the signature and bookmark for your book. Monday following the event enjoy photos of the event posted on facebook page Books By Deanna.

Isn't this an interesting way to make us all feel a part of the book party? Deanna will be guest of Coffee with the Poets and Writers on March 12 at Blue Mountain Coffee and Grill, 10:30 a.m. This restaurant is located between Hayesville, NC and Murphy, NC. 

I hope our local writers and poets will come out and meet Deanna who is a delightful person as well as an excellent author. 

I am reading Cracks in the Ice by Deanna at this time on my Kindle. Most all of her books are available in print and as an e-book. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Southern Fried Lies - interview with author Susan Snowden

I read a terrific book by Brevard, NC author Susan Snowden. The title is Southern Fried Lies, published by Archer Hill Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9853301-0-1.

Susan graciously agreed to an interview by E-mail. 

Glenda Beall (GB): Susan, thank you for writing Southern Fried Lies, and thank you for answering some questions about the book.
Your book’s setting is Atlanta in the late fifties and early sixties. Your main character is a young girl, Sarah. I relate to her because I remember the fifties and sixties as a teen, myself. It is evident that you know the place where this story takes place. Why did you choose this setting?
Susan (S): I was born and raised in Atlanta and, as you know, we writers are told to write about “what we know.” Also, I found Atlanta very different from the rest of the state, which is predominantly rural. So much has been written about derelict Tobacco Road-type characters in the South that I felt “outsiders” needed to see that the life in Atlanta was unique. 

(GB): Were any of the characters based on a real person? Was the book in any way autobiographical?
(S): I used pieces and parts of myself, my friends, my own family, and my friends’ families. Seems everyone I knew/know has some dysfunction in their families! I would say that 25 percent of the story is autobiographical, but as I wrote, the characters became their own distinct people. The portion in which the mother gets breast cancer and later becomes an alcoholic due to her fear that the cancer will return is based on truth. My mother suffered tremendously following that surgery. In those days, there was no chemo, no radiation, no reconstruction, and NO support for women with breast cancer. Parts of Sarah were based on me, but the siblings and father bear no resemblance to my own. 

(GB): The dysfunctional family in Southern Fried Lies revolved around the mother’s moods, illnesses, attitude and behavior toward her children. To outsiders, the Claibornes seemed a typical close southern family. Do you think that most families are hiding secrets behind closed doors?
(S): I think that many, not all, families put forth the image they want others to believe is accurate. People who’ve read this book from all parts of the country have told me they agree with that. We are, after all, social animals. We often wear masks (our personae) for others to see, even our own family members. There was a great deal of that phenomenon in the South when I was growing up. People went off to dry out in rehab centers and then claimed they’d been in Europe! Nowadays, of course, we see people airing their dirty laundry on TV shows, so maybe we’re in the Age of Confession now! 
(GB): The mother, Catherine Claiborne, was completely obsessed with her oldest son, Ben. We hear of mothers who have a bias toward one of their children, often a son, but this mother took it pretty far, didn’t she?
(S): Yes, it was very sick and emotionally abusive. For that element I drew heavily from the life of a friend from Florida whose mother treated him more like her husband than her son. Hopefully, readers will understand why my character Ben HAD to leave home. Catherine was smothering him. 

(GB): This book takes place in the troubled years of the civil rights movement. You touch on that in places. The white family in the book has a black maid, Etha Mae, who gets caught up in a serious incident on her way to work at the family’s new home. Did you know anyone like Etha Mae?
(S): I did. We had a wonderful, spiritual, loving housekeeper named Elnora, whom we called Nora. We all loved her and considered her part of the family. I tried to show how she literally held this family together when things were falling apart, and how she always loved and forgave Catherine, regardless of what she did. No one I knew in our social milieu treated black servants the way they were treated in “The Help.” (Nora definitely used our bathrooms!) I want to add here that in Judy Goldman’s wonderful memoir Losing My Sister, readers will find a much more honest picture of how upper middle-class families felt about their black help. 

(GB): Sarah dates a boy who is Jewish, but feels some prejudice toward her when he tells her his family is opposed to him dating a Gentile. The prejudice toward anyone different was prevalent in those days. Do you think we are a more enlightened culture today? 
(S): Absolutely, and thank God for that! I know a female Episcopal priest in the South who is married to a Jewish man. They are bringing up their children with the traditions of both faiths. A wonderful example of this change, don’t you think? 

(GB): There was little love shown in this family. Each person lived in his/her own world. Sarah loved her brother Ben, but did her mother love Ben? Was she able to really love anyone?
(S): I think she hated herself so much that it was difficult for her to love anyone. But to the extent that her mental illness allowed, she may have loved them as much as she was able to. 

(GB): The father is a sad figure. Like many men of that time, his work was the most important thing and he spent much of his time away from home. Why did he put up with his wife’s erratic and hurtful behavior?
(S): I believe that some people are at a loss when it comes to understanding mental illness, or any kind of emotional complexity in others. I saw this poor man as being a black-and-white kind of thinker (like many scientists, engineers, architects, etc.) who had no idea how to deal with this woman. I also think he felt that his main role/duty in life was to provide for his family. I didn’t see him as a weak person, or selfish person, but rather as a man who didn’t have the emotional or intellectual tools to deal with this dreadful situation. 

(GB): As the reader moves on through the book, and the mother’s actions become more bizarre, we come to understand more about her mental state. I remember hearing about the state insane asylum at Milledgeville and a neighbor who was sent there several times. That was a turning point to me, when Sarah didn’t want her mother to have to go there. Was this a turning point when you were writing it, deciding how Sarah would react to her mother’s coming home from the hospital or being sent away?
(S): Yes, that to me was the climax of the book—the scene in which she flees the hospital and storms off into a dangerous part of the city. She feels that the burden of making this decision is all on her teenage shoulders. She is literally cracking under the pressure. 

(GB): The book is written from the viewpoint of a teenage girl and I love the way we see her dark family problems through her eyes. The images in this book linger long after closing the covers. How many times did you re-write the manuscript before it was perfect? 
(S): Countless times. It took years, to be honest. I’d been a journalist, then a poet, then a short story writer. Learning how to write a novel takes a long time. Sometimes I would just put the manuscript in a box under the bed and leave it there for months! 

(GB): You build the tension toward the end. Fear for Sarah and anger toward her father who seemed to be too weak to care for his family kept me reading until the final page. What do you want the reader to take away from this book?
(S): I would like them to see that oftentimes we can’t fix people who’re broken, but that with love we can accept them without jeopardizing our own sanity and safety. I believe that Sarah came to understand that she’d never have a perfect mother, but that by compromising and lightening up a bit, life with Catherine could be bearable. I also believe that Edward learned that taking responsibility in this matter—finally—did change things in the Claiborne household. Finally, I hope readers will see that troubled families should reach out for the professional help that’s available now. 
(GB): Thank you, Susan, I highly recommend this book. It is well written and deserving of the gold medal you won in New York City.
Susan Snowden, author of Southern Fried Lies

This is a reprint from the original article posted on in June 2013.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Online Magazine for Girls - Call for submissions

If you write for girls, this might be for you. 
" Our readers are young girls in high school and college, so we're looking for work that speaks to them."

Watch this video. It shows what this editor is trying to do for girls. I am already a fan.

Sheryl Monks posted in Calls for Submissions (Poetry, Fiction, Art)
Sheryl Monks
Sheryl Monks6:39pm Feb 19
Submit Your Lit!

The Germ Lit dept. is currently looking for short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, songs, short films, short plays, visual art, and photography. 1200 words max. Please attach your work to an email and include your bio. Our readers are young girls in high school and college, so we're looking for work that speaks to them. Please read some of the current selections in our Lit section to get an idea. Recent contributors include Curtis Smith, Bonnie ZoBell, Donna Vitucci, Joseph Mills, Corey Mesler, Janet Dale, Malaika King Albrecht, and Kevin Winchester, to name a few.

If you have something that might fit with us, drop an email to