So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Panel on Publishing Appreciated by a Good Audience

Many thanks to Kathryn Magendie, Nadine Justice, and Maren Mitchell for being our panelists today at Moss Library in Hayesville, NC where we had a good sized group of interested folks who learned far more than they thought they would, I'm sure.

Our thanks to Mary Fonda and her assistant, Judy, who helped me set up the room and close up. I had thought we'd be out by four O'clock, but our audience continued to talk with our panelists and each other until five o'clock. 

Thanks to Jim Davis who helped me load my car. I hope to see Jim online with a blog one day. These events are wonderful ways to meet new writers and those who want to be writers but are still working up the courage to take a class or admit they really are writers, just not openly yet. 

I was delighted to meet Lise, a blogger friend, who lives north of us above Sylva. Visit her delightful blog. She will have a book out one day. 

Kathryn, Nadine, and Maren showed the generosity I have come to expect from most writers. They shared their experiences from publishing and marketing, and I know their words helped those who sat in the chairs and took notes. 

Perhaps we can do something like this again next year.

Maren O. Mitchell is author of Beat Chronic Pain;An Insider's Guide
Nadine Justice is author of a memoir, I'm a Coal Miner's Daughter But I Cain't Sang.
Kathryn Magendie is author of five novels, including the Grace series, and a novella. 


  1. Excellent panel, thank you for the opportunity to learn about publishing. It was awesome to meet you Glenda, I'm looking forward to what I believe will be a wonderful friendship. I'll be emailing you pictures from the panel:) Thanks again.

    PS You are an awesome hugger!

  2. Thank you for your kind words and the shout out for my blog, I really appreciate your support:)

  3. Glenda, I checked out Lise's blog and found that she learned from the discussions yesterday. Nice to know!


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