So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A New Experience Tomorrow

Tomorrow I must arise early and head to the hospital to have my knee replaced. Sounds weird to me, replacing a knee. I have had several surgeries in my life, but never have I had anything replaced - just removed. In recent weeks I have been so busy having tests, attending meetings to learn about what is going to happen to me, how I should prepare, and what I can expect when it is over.

Tonight after I shower, I will wipe my entire body down with special wipes that will sanitize me from head to toe. I will arise at 6 AM and be at the hospital at 7:00 AM. The drive will take at least thirty minutes. The surgery will take place around 8:00 AM.

What has amazed me is that I will not stay even one night in a hospital. I will be back to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night. I was told I will walk out of the hospital on my own two feet with my new knee already working. 

Lexie under the covers

Because I have to be so clean tonight, Lexie cannot stay with me. 
She would be sleeping right against me under the sheet and she is not too sanitized although she is pretty clean. Needless to say, this is a brand new experience for me and I will be most happy when it is done even though the pain will begin then.

I am the most fortunate person in the world because my dear sister, Gay, will be with me for as long as it takes to recover. She has found all the right medical equipment I need. She has laundered my sheets, clothes I will wear tomorrow, gowns and pajamas, and she has gone with me to classes that were mandatory for both of us to attend.

I should never complain again about anything! I have a wonderful life, loving family and friends, and I am not afraid or worried about the outcome of this operation because lots of people are sending up prayers for me. 

I will be back on this blog in a few days, I'm sure, and I will write more about this new experience. 

My sister, Gay, in Hawaii


  1. Glenda, there are so many friends up here thinking of you and pulling for you. I am glad you are so prepared. God bless Gay! Maren

  2. I’m sending prayers and positive thoughts!

  3. I'm thinking of you, Glenda. I hope all goes well with the knee surgery. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful sister to care for you.

  4. Glenda, my prayers are that all will go well during the procedure, you will have a good recovery with as little pain as possible; that you will be back to your normal self and normal life soon.

    God bless Gay for the way she looks out for you. She has always been there for you in the good times and the bad. Yes, you are truly blessed to have a loving and devoted sister.

    Linda Clarke

  5. My dearest Glenda:
    I am late replying, but you have been 8n my prayers since I read this. I trust you are back home and healing. I pray your knee heals perfectly and that you do not experience any pain with it. Hopefully, this operation will improve your life and you will be able to walk again without pain. Please know that you are loved greatly and are held up to the Lord in mercy. Please let me know how things go after your surgery.
    Love you cuz,

  6. Indeed, Maren. She is a blessing to me. She has been with me all the way even sleeping with me at night so she can help me. I am using a walker and trying to do all my exercises to get my knee working properly again. It is a challenge but I will make it. Thanks, Maren.

  7. Linda, yes, Gay has always been there for me and is now. I hope soon she can get back to her dancing classes and enjoying her busy life. But for now, she is taking good care of me and Stu is taking care of Lexie. God is good to me.

  8. Thanks to everyone who sends me caring and love and prayers. I love you all and will see you again before too long, I'm sure.

  9. Rob, thanks for leaving your comment. I am doing pretty well for two weeks after surgery. All the good wishes must be working. I hope you are doing better. I am grateful I have a cousin like you that I can talk with and enjoy. You are very special to me. Love you. Glenda


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