So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

2023 has begun and I think it will be good!

I am excited about the new year. I have begun scheduling events and workshops for the NCWN-West region where I live in western North Carolina. 

I am a planner, a scheduler, and a list maker. Like my father, I like to plan what I am going to do today, tomorrow, and in the months ahead. I am happy when I get my new yearly calendar book. The first thing I do is go through and mark all the dates I know I have something planned. I mark birthdays and special days in the year to come.

Perhaps it is a way to promise myself that I will be here for the next year. I think my adrenaline rises when I make plans for the future. Barry used to say I had more fun planning our vacation than I did when I actually went on vacation.

Last year was a bummer. It is a year I don't want to remember because I was stressed out with health issues -  health issues that were not as severe as the test results led me to believe. If I could I would like to sue the medical facility that caused me so much stress and worry. 

Tonight here in my apartment in Roswell, GA, we had tornado warnings and were told we would have severe weather, thunderstorms, and lots of rain. I guess it still might come, but this afternoon when the rains came it seemed no worse than any summer storm.

It seems the media is all about scaring us to death and the medical world is just as bad. 

Celebration time for football fans

I am not a football fan, but my husband and my brothers were big fans. I wish they were here to enjoy the National Championship won by their Georgia Bulldogs. My father was also a huge fan and listened to every ball game on the radio unless it was televised. I can imagine the smile on Barry's face as he shouted at the TV when the red shirts dominated the game. I didn't watch it and I am not a fan of the game which is too violent for me, but I feel happy for my loved ones who were devoted to the Dawgs. Even my brother-in-law, Stu, was pulling for the bulldogs and he is a Georgia Tech graduate. I am a graduate of UGA but never enjoyed football. 

Recently I read my words written back in 1990 and 1991. Those were fairly traumatic years for my family and for me. I kept my diaries filled with all the angst I felt as our family had to take back the family business we had sold because the buyer couldn't pay for it. It reminded me how troubled I was at the time and how worried I was about my brother, Ray, the oldest, who had begun to have health issues. 

No one wanted to take back a failing business but we had to. In my diary, I said there was a recession going on and no one was making any money. In one place I wrote, "Ray said the company must make four million dollars in the next four years." 

Looking back now I realized again, how grateful I should be, and I am, for having brothers and Barry turn that business around and sell it again. I don't know if they made the four million goal, but they did sell the plant a second time and all seven of us Council kids were saved from bankruptcy. One thing my father did well - raised his offspring to work hard and never give up.
However, that stress took a toll and in a couple of years, Ray was diagnosed with cancer. 

But, we are going into a new year now -War is raging, politics is rotten and mean, the government is a place where infighting seems to be the new way to govern, and our society is divided while wanting the same things. We all want freedom, we want peace, we want our families to be safe and secure, and we want to be united. But someone or some people keep stirring the pot doing all they can to scare us into believing our way of life is disappearing and we must blame our neighbors and friends. 

I don't believe that because I see kindness and caring every day. If I didn't see the news or read the headlines, I would be as happy as a lark because I seem to only see good and kind people. Cynicism and nasty comments on social media seem to have disappeared from the pages I see on Facebook. I see hope and faith and joy on the pages I read. Even some of the news programs are showing more kindness and love than they used to. 

I want to believe that others see this, too. I plan to have a good year -- right after I recover from a complete knee replacement. 

How about you? Do you look forward with hope or fear? Let me know what you think.


  1. Wishing you a Happy New Year, Glenda! Enjoyed your post.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes. Thanks for reading and leaving your comment.


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