So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Photos from Writing Class with Mary Mike Keller

Mary Mike Keller instructs her students in how to research their ancestors and then turn the facts into an entertaining and informative story. Mary Mike is in the process of writing a book on her ancestors beginning with the first immigrant to enter this country back in the 1500s. Most of her research is done online.

Students, Vicki, David, Barbara and Dean listen intently to Mary Mike Keller, instructor at Writers Circle last week. This was a class with three sessions and everyone voiced their enjoyment of the series.

The next class at Writers Circle will be held on Tuesday, June 8. Glenda Beall is instructor for a class, Why Do We Write, and students will be writing in class and getting feedback on their work.


  1. Glenda, this looks like everyone had great fun. I know I really enjoyed the class I took of yours.

    I've been researching my ancestors and one traveled to Plymouth on one of the Puritan ships. He ended up being an important figure of the time. I even found the name of his ship and all about his family in England. I'm just amazed how much you can find online.

    Although I will say there is a lot to learn about on researching your ancestors online. It was and still can be frustrating at times. I wish someone would write more about the "how to" of finding your ancestors using online searches, such as

  2. Glenda,
    It looks as though the classes are going great at the Writers' Circle. I'm glad you're having a lot of students and Mary Mike's class sounds as though it was really interesting. As Granddaddy Ledford used to say, "When I get my crop laid aside, I want to take some classes." Mom and I are working ourselves to death with two gardens.

  3. Sam, thanks for stopping in. This class taught by Mary Mike was mostly about using online resources to find tha elusive ancestor and places to find the "meant to put on the bones" in order to write a compelling story about this person. The students loved it.

  4. Brenda, I can't imagine working two gardens in this heat, but I know the results will be worth it.
    You and Blanche take care not to over do.


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