So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 20, Writers Talking About Writing

Today I learned the details of the event to be held at Moss Memorial Library on Saturday, November 20, at 2:00 p.m. Writers Talking About Writing will be a panel discussion with the writers and poets of Clay County, NC talking about their writing and answering questions from those who sit in the audience.
Nancy Simpson and Mary Fonda, who caretakes our wonderful library in Hayesville, NC, put this reading together, and they are giving us something a little different from most readings.
We will discuss and read from our own books as well as from Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, the outstanding anthology, edited by Nancy Simpson and published by Winding Path Publishing and sponsored by NCWN West.
This event promises aspiring writers and those who are more accomplished an interesting afternoon and possibly one in which they might glean the answer to a problem they have been pondering.
Refreshments will be served and, I promise you, they will be delicious.
I hope to see my students, my former students and anyone who is interested in writing, at Moss Library, 26 Anderson St., Hayesville, NC on November 20.
Contact Mary Fonda, or 828-389-8401
for more information.

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  1. Love it that you do this! There are so many people that move to the Murphy/Hayesville area that can benefit from your club. Keep it going !:)

    John Poltrock -

  2. Hello Glenda, Thanks for spreading the word. I look forward to Saturday.

  3. Glenda,
    I wish all of the writers the very best at Moss Library on Saturday. I know it will be wonderful. I regret that Mama and I will not be able to attend due to health problems, but we sure will be thinking of you all and know everytone will do a great job. We apprecite very much Moss Memorial Library and Mrs. Mary Fonda for hosting this event. Mrs. Fonda does a wonderful job supporting our community and we are so grateful.

  4. Thanks, John.
    NCWN West has much to offer writers in this area. We are fortunate to have such a strong literary organization and leaders to present events.
    Thanks for stopping by.


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