So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Enter Byron Herbert Reece Society Poetry Contest

The Byron Herbert Reece Society exists to preserve, perpetuate, and promote the literary and cultural legacy of the Georgia mountain poet/novelist, Byron Herbert Reece. In addition to enhancing both knowledge of and appreciation for his writings, efforts will be made to honor his way of life, with particular emphasis on his love of nature and his attachment to farming.
For its 2010 inaugural poetry contest, the Society invites poets living in the following Appalachian states to enter: NC, KY, GA, TN, VA, and WV. The final judge is Jim Clark,

Contest Rules
1) Submitted entries must be unpublished. Simultaneous entries are accepted, but please email us at immediately if your poem is accepted elsewhere. Manuscripts should be typed in a “plain” 12 point font (i.e. Times, Arial). Photocopies are accepted. Entries will not be returned, so do not send your only copy.

2) Submit the entry form and up to 3 poems. Make sure that your name does not appear on the poems. Poems submitted without the entry form will be disqualified.

3) Please enclose a check or money order for $15 per entry. Contest entry fees cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

4) Contest winner will be announced and recognized at the annual meeting of the Byron Herbert Reece Society, June 4, 2011. Cash prize is $300 and the winning poet is invited to read at the Byron Herbert Reece Society annual meeting.

5) Contest results will be announced on the Society’s website after June 4, 2011. Email notification will be sent to contest entrants if a working email address is included on the entry form. Contest results will only be announced online and by email. Please check our website for results:

6) Deadline for postmark is Monday, May 2, 2011. Any entry that is not postmarked on or before that date will not be opened. Failure to follow any of the above guidelines could result in disqualification. Do not send the only copy of your work as all entries will be recycled.

7) Poets living in NC, KY, GA, TN, VA, and WV are eligible to enter. Board members of the Byron Herbert Reece Society are ineligible to enter, but members of the Society are invited to participate.

Byron Herbert Reece Society
2010 Poetry Contest
Entry Form




Telephone: __________________________________________________________

Names of poems submitted (do not place identifying information on actual poems):




I verify that I live in one of the following states (Circle one)


Mail this form, a check or money order for $15 to the Byron Herbert Reece Society, and up to 3 poems to:
Byron Herbert Reece Society
P. O. Box 811
Young Harris GA 30582

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