So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tornadoes Threaten and ruin our Retreat.

With thunder rumbling in the heavens and lightening slicing the gray sky over Lake Chatuge, I keep an eye on the weather map. My radio alert has been going off every three minutes. Weather is a devil this year.

This morning when I awoke at a friend’s house, I pulled back the curtain to a beautiful day. My writer friend and I had planned a two day retreat at this lovely second home that sits high and lovely in Union County Georgia. Her screened deck looks out over blooming laurel and rounded peaks of hardwood trees in the distance. Near by, winds tossed about the tops of poplars and maples.

Those winds were the warning signs of what was to come later today. We both heeded those signs. We packed up our cars and left the mountain top.
Watching the Atlanta weather reports later in the afternoon, I was glad she and I were safe in our respective homes with our cars in our garages. Hail accompanied the storms that swept over north Georgia and we still might get more tonight. My beloved car, my Ford Hybrid, will not be dented by hail, however. It has enough bruises already.

Hiawassee, GA was part of a tornado watch and we live about eight miles away. If my house is hit, look for Rocky and me in the basement under the debris.

Written May 26, 2011


  1. I thought about you all through the storms. I hope you-Rocky-and Tiger made it o.k. We mostly had hail some as big as quarters-and I'm hoping it didn't hurt the greenhouse.

  2. Glad you dodged the bullet Glenda. This spring weather has been more than awful, frightening in fact. When we say "stay safe" to friends, it has a much more special meaning lately.

  3. Hi Sam,
    Thanks for stopping by. This morning is dark and ominous. Hope it doesn't mean more storms.
    How is that memoir coming along?

  4. Yes, we didn't have any trouble other than the TV going off again.
    But I kept a good watch on things until I went to bed. I hope the hail didn't hurt things at your place, Tipper.

  5. Glad you're safe and hope the storms are slowing down. We had tornado warnings in south PA but none in the central area. We have had rain something like 40 of the last 50 days! We were lucky to get one clear day a week.


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