So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

NCWN-West members at Festival on the Square

This weekend, July 8  - 10, Hayesville, North Carolina will offer their annual Festival on the Square. The festival begins Friday evening, July 8th, with a street dance. Music and many vendors will grace the square on Saturday and Sunday, July 9th and 10th. Included in this event will be our North Carolina Writers' Network-West booth, which will be on the North side of the square.

Several local poets and writers, members of NCWN-West, will be attending the booth, and will read periodically from their published works. Included in this line-up, are Tom Davis, Joan Ellen Gage, Mary Ricketson, Rosemary Royston, Marcia Barnes, Glenda C. Beall, Joan M. Howard, Bob Grove, and Lucy Cole Gratton.

Joan Gage
Be sure to come by the  booth and register for drawings that will be held on Saturday and Sunday. I hope my local readers will stop by and say hello and learn more about our writers' network.

Rosemary Royston


  1. Glenda I hope to see you there!! The Pressley Girls will be playing on Sunday at 2:00! The festival is always so much fun : )

  2. I think I will be there at that time, Tipper. I love to see those girls perform.

  3. It is Saturday evening now and I am home after spending hours at the festival in the NCWN West booth today. Joan Gage and Joan Howard have done a great job this year getting participation. Many people came by and stopped, put their names in for a drawing and bought books. I hope we will have many more on Sunday. I will be in the booth at 11 a.m. and other writers will be there throughout the day. Come by and see us if you are in the ara.


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