So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Going back to NC

Readers, if you are still with me after such a long absence, I appreciate you very much.

I look forward to going back to NC next week.

Scott Owens, the fabulous poet from Hickory, NC will come to our area on Thursday, April 18 to speak and read some of his outstanding poetry. He is always interesting to listen to and he will have some of his books for sale at the John C. Campbell Folk School in the Keith House where we will meet at 7:00 PM.

I will also speak and read prose that evening. As many of you know, I write poetry and prose, but at this meeting, Scott will share his poetry and I will share a short story or a nonfiction narrative from the many I have written over the years.

All of us who know Scott and his work will be happy to have him stay over to teach a workshop on Friday afternoon 1:30 – 4:00 at the Moss Library in Hayesville. You can read more about this event at

Although we need fees to pay Scott for coming so far, we cannot ask for them because the library’s rules say we can only ask for donations and must be open to the public. But we ask for donations of at least $40 and registration sent to Sandy Benson 310 Quail Cove Cir.  Warne NC 28909

If someone wants to attend and cannot make a donation, we will welcome them. It is helpful to know who and how many will be attending so we hope to hear from you if you plan to be there.

Contact me at if you have any questions.

Meanwhile, I am happy to finally take off the sling I have worn for six weeks because of my surgery. I am still doing physical therapy three times a week and can’t use my left arm much, but was told I have healed very well and will have good range of motion if I stay with PT. Thanks to those who sent me good wishes and said prayers for me. I am very fortunate to be here with my sister and brother-in-law who are so good to me. Without their love and care, I don’t know how I would have managed.

If you live within driving range, I hope to see you on April 18, at the folk school with Scott Owens. And if you write or want to learn to write poetry, be sure to register for the workshop on Friday, April 19 at the Moss Library in Hayesville, NC.

Until next time, stay well and be generous. Even giving a smile away to others is a gift much appreciated.


  1. I am so very glad to hear that you are healing well.

  2. Thanks, EC. It is a slow process, but I must be patient.


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