So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Great classes coming to Writers Circle this summer

We are excited that our class on publishing your writing at Tri-County Community College is filled and ready to go on Saturday morning.
Lisa Long, head of the community enrichment program at TCCC is the greatest person to work with and I enjoy our conversations. Hope she makes it to this class.

We are NOW taking reservations for the Marketing class I will teach at the college on August 13. This will be an afternoon class, 1 - 4 p.m.

As we all know the hardest part of being a writer is marketing your work whether it is a poetry chapbook, a family history book, a memoir, a novel or a collection of short stories. Writers do not like trying to sell their work. Most artists have difficulty in that department. The most difficult place to market your books is in your own hometown.

If we want to reach our audience, we must learn how to do it and how to do it without spending thousands of dollars or being duped by online companies. We don't have to hire a P.R. person. Writers and poets are the best people to represent themselves and tell others about their books. Readers like to know more about the author than what they see on a book flap. In today's world, readers like to feel they know their favorite authors personally, even if it is just online from a blog or an author chat at a book signing.

In our marketing class at Tri-County College, we will discuss what is best for you to do to sell those books in your basement or in your car. We will hear from writers like you who are working on their own marketing plans.

A tip: Don't think of what the reader can do for you, think about what you can do for your reader.

For those who need help in using social media to promote yourself and your writing, Tara Lynne Groth, successful writer and marketer, SEO creator and speaker, will be at Writers Circle around the Table on August 6, 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

The future for writers is on the Internet. Successful marketing online is not as hard as it might seem. And it won't take you hours out of each day.
Tara Lynne is extremely knowledgeable about this subject. She is personable and never makes me feel dumb when I ask her questions pertaining to my blog or other ways to build a readership.

Building a readership is the goal of writers who want to sell books. Tara Lynne will help us meet this goal.
Print out the registration form at the top of this page and mail it to Writers Circle, 581 Chatuge Lane, Hayesville, NC 28904.  You can pay with PayPal, $45.00 or send a check along with your registration form. Hurry, time is running out and we must have class minimum so we don't cancel this class.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the classes go really well.
    And this reader thanks all writers. Daily.


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