So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Busy, busy right now. And that is a good thing.

Tiger the bob-tailed cat

This week I have been busy with planning a Bookfest for NCWN-West on March 24. I am also trying to finish up the book of pet stories by Estelle Rice and me. One of my stories is about Tiger, the cat in the picture above. You will also meet Rocky, Nikki, Kodi, Cookie, Brandy, Found Hound, Spot Darrow and other creatures we loved. You will read about a special horse named Amos and learn about polydactyal cats.

With three writing classes coming up, I spend much time getting the word out to former students and the public. Beginning first week in March, I will teach for four weeks at Tri-County Community College in Murphy, NC. Then, I will teach later at the Institute for Continuing Learning over in Georgia. In June, I will teach at my own studio. 

I have also spent a good bit of time in communication about the passing of my mentor, Nancy S. whose family doesn't want too much about her death online. I am sorry that the hundreds of people who know her cannot have a place online to go to post their condolences and the wonderful things they all have to say about Nancy, who was respected and admired by everyone. We, her friends for over twenty years, know she would love to be remembered by all those who read her poetry and know her through her work with NCWN and NCWN-West.

A memorial to her is being planned here in the mountains perhaps in May. Joan Gage, our NCWN-West tech admin is working on that. She spent much time with Nancy in the last few years doing tasks for her that Nancy could no longer do for herself.

NCWN-West is holding a BOOKFEST at the Moss Memorial Library Iin Hayesville, NC on Saturday, March 24, noon until 4:00 PM. 

Six authors will speak on publishing and marketing, and we will have more than ten authors set up at tables to talk with folks and to sign books for them.
Door prizes will be given away all afternoon.
Some of them are: one writing class at Writers Circle around the Table. Thirty pages edited by Carol Crawford of , and a free school visit by Deanna Klingel author of children's and young adult books. 

Tom and Polly Davis of Old Mountain Press will be on hand to speak to us about self publishing and other matters of publishing and marketing. Everyone is donating books for the door prizes.

Thanks to Kathy Knapp who is going to help with the BOOKFEST and to all volunteers who said they will help set up and take down tables and chairs. It takes good volunteers to be able to hold any event, and I am fortunate that we have some of the best. 

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