So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Monday, July 1, 2019

No Classes for awhile - just news and advice for writers

There will be no classes at Writers Circle around the Table this summer or fall.
In the future, we will post any classes at the studio, so keep in touch.

I will post tips for writers, advice for writers, places to submit your writing and any other information that I deem relevant to my readers.

I would love to have guest bloggers in the coming months. If you are a writer and would be interested in submitting a guest blog for this site, please contact me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your summer and fall are packed with things to sustain you.


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