So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
Showing posts with label Robert S. King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert S. King. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Electronic Submissions Class for Writers by Robert S. King

Times they are a'changing said the singer in the sixties, but he didn't know nuthin' about changes.
Changes in the publishing world are occurring so fast we can hardly keep up with them. One of those changes for writers and poets is the way we submit our work to magazines and journals. 

Gone are the days when we made copies, addressed envelopes to send in our work and envelopes to return our work. Now, we submit online without printing a page. But different publications use different methods of submission. We often refrain from submitting if we have to deal with learning a new process. 

That is why I am glad we have Robert S. King, a publisher, poet and editor with the expertise to teach us this new technology. Robert stays abreast of what is new, and he is teaching a class at Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville, NC. See the details below.

Robert S. King  Moss Memorial Library, Hayesville, NC - Saturday, April 20  -  10 -1:00 p.m.  $30.00
Mail check to Writers Circle, 581 Chatuge Lane, Hayesville, NC 28904 -

Most publishers today allow electronic submissions, either by dedicated software online or by email. Learn how to use the most popular online systems and also how to compose email
submissions with or without file attachments. In addition, you will discover how to use the most popular market lists so that you can identify the magazines or publishers best suited for your writing.

About the Instructor
Robert S. King is a widely published poet and editor. He is the
author of six poetry collections, the latest of which is One Man’s
Profit (Sweatshoppe Publications, 2013) and is the former
Director of FutureCycle Press and the former President of the
Georgia Poetry Society.
See his website at

Call 828-389-4441 for registration information. Send your registration now. Note that it is for Robert King class.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Read Robert S. King's post on three good ways to promote yourself

I often hear from writers and poets that they can't promote themselves. How sad. If they don't do it, who is?

Robert S. King wrote an excellent post on three ways to promote yourself.
Click here.

I am listed in the directory of Poets and Writers. It wasn't difficult to meet the qualifications. Robert tells you how in this article.

I have been remiss in not using You Tube for my readings, etc. Many times I've watched videos of Kathryn Stripling Byer because someone in the audience videoed her reading. Robert would like to see all the Netwest readings videoed and I think I'll look into it for myself. Although I wouldn't want to watch myself, I think it could be good publicity.

Tipper Presley did teach me how to upload a video of deer in the snow outside my window. I'll see if I can remember how to put it in this post.

Robert S. King will be teaching a class at Moss Memorial Library on Saturday, April 20,10 - 1 PM. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Couple of Special Poems

I am happy to claim Robert S. King, fabulous poet, as a friend.

I urge you to read these two poems by Robert. Click on the links below. 
The Dreamer Returns Home 
The dreamer touches us all whether we were the one to leave or one to see another leave. The images are perfect and place us right there.

The Flight
Robert has watched his loved ones die as many of us of a certain age have done. When we do, we think about our own passing and how we want to do it. This poem is going into my End of Life directions.

What do you think about these poems? How do you want to make your last flight?

Friday, September 7, 2012

100 Thousand Poets and you?

    Come be part of an international literary event!

September 29 is an internationally special day for poets and writers. Many of you may have heard of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change initiative. Basically this is an international fellowship of poets and writers who are concerned about the state of our world and nations. If you are not aware of this movement, please visit the official website at

As of today, more than 700 communities worldwide have scheduled events on September 29, and more are added daily. So let's get together and have our own voices heard!
As part of this international event, FutureCycle Press (Robert S. King) and Writers Circle (Glenda Beall) have scheduled an open-mic reading on Saturday, September 29, 2012, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The event will be held in the Grove Enterprises building located at 7540 Highway 64 West, Brasstown NC 28902. Brasstown is situated between Murphy and Hayesville NC and is about two hours from Atlanta or Knoxville. There is plenty of parking.
You are invited to come listen and/or read your original works of poetry or prose. Authors may also bring their books for sale at a table we provide. FutureCycle Press is particularly pleased to announce that it will have its new anthology, American Society: What Poets See, available for sale at the reading.

If you wish to read, please bring poems or prose pieces that do not exceed three minutes each. Depending on the number of readers, we may have time for more than one title per reader, so bring two or three of your works. Before the reading, please time your work to make sure it fits the allotted minutes.

We are not requiring that you read specifically on the subject of social issues, though you are encouraged to do so. It is more important that you show up and participate in whatever way you feel comfortable.

Please invite your friends and family as well. It would be helpful if you can let us know ahead of time if you plan to come and especially if you plan to read. An RSVP is not required, but having an idea of the numbers will help us plan the program. Please email Robert,, if you plan to come. Also mention if you will bring books to sell.

We hope to see you there!
Robert S. King and Glenda Beall
Directions to Venue:
From Murphy NC, take Highway 64 East toward Hayesville. Go 6+ miles and look for Grove Enterprises sign on left. Turn left at the driveway, go up the hill, turn left into the parking lot, and park on the side of the building facing highway 64. Once inside the building, please register at the front desk.

From Hayesville, NC, take Highway 64 West toward Murphy. Go 7+ miles and look for Grove Enterprises sign on right. Turn right in front of the sign, go up the hill and into the building's parking lot on the left. Park on the front side of the building facing Highway 64. Once inside the building, please register at the front desk.
Signs will be posted outside the building to help guide you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Last weekend some of us, members of NCWN West, set up a booth at the Festival on the Square in Hayesville, NC. Saturday was busy but hot. This festival is sponsored each year by the Clay County Historical and Arts Council. Janice Padgett, president of the Council and Reba Beck, co-chairman of the festival committee,  were especially supportive of our being there.
Members of CCHAC at their booth in front of the historic courthouse
Besides Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, the anthology created by Netwest and edited by Nancy Simpson, we had poetry books by Nancy and Robert King. Clarence Newton brought his brand new poetry book, Short Glances Forward and A Long Look Back, and I finally got my hands on it. 

Deanna Klingle and Robert S. King at the NCWN West booth

Anthologies, such as my Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers, sold better than poetry, so next year, I hope members who have had their work in anthologies will bring copies to sign.

Clarence Newton author of Short Glances Forward and A Long Look Back

Deanna Klingel drove down from Brevard to sign her books. She writes for young people and had a very successful day introducing her characters to the children in Clay County.

Many thanks to Joan Howard, Janice Moore, Linda Smith and Beth and especially Robert King who was there all day both days. I was happy to introduce quite a few people to Netwest and to Writers Circle. 
We almost made it through the festival without rain, but about 20 minutes before closing, the downpour started and we all came home in wet clothes. It was fun and I hope next year we will have more members participate.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blue Ridge Writers Conference March 30 and 31

 I look forward to the Blue Ridge Writers Conference every year. It is held now at the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Center in Blue Ridge Georgia. Click on the link below to learn more about this very good gathering of writers, poets, editors, and publishers.

My friends, Robert Kimsey and Robert S. King are speaking this year. Robert King will continue with his discussion of publishing in the digital age which he began at Writers Circle this month.

Robert Kimsey will be at Writers Circle in April for a class on how to write the small poem. These are imagist poems.
We are taking registrations now for that class on April 21. 
Contact for more information.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


On the second Wednesday of each month, we host Coffee with the Poets, sponsored by NCWN West. We meet at the Cafe Touche in Hayesville, NC, 82 Main Street, at 10:30 a.m.

We began this event in 2007 and it continues to be well-attended and enjoyable. I started CWP to give more people a place to read their poems. The area where I live is filled with poets. We open the floor up to anyone who comes and wants to read his original poetry.
A member of Netwest is featured each month. I wish I could have every poet in the area read, however, we only have twelve months. This year we decided to have two readers in some months.

I'd like to see such events in every county in western NC and N Georgia. It is so easy to set up a reading. Someone with leadership abilities is needed to get it off the ground, but once the event is successful, it is like a roaring fire. It doesn't require much tending. Mary Mike Keller is co-host with me and often Linda Smith takes over the MC duties.

This month, March, we are in for a real treat when Robert S. King reads his poetry. Robert has published hundreds of poems in journals and magazines. He has also published numerous books of poetry. I have two of his latest books. I go back to them often to read again.

We are fortunate to have Robert King teach at Writers Circle around the table on March 17. The workshop will be held in the afternoon. We have a few places left, but space is limited.

Contact Glenda Beall, 828-389-4441 or for further information.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Robert S. King, guest blogger, on Critiquing Poetry

Critiquing Poetry: A Delicate Literary and Social Art
I tend to approach critique a little differently than some. I am more interested in first identifying the soul of the poem than in recommending word changes. In fact, I don’t think I could be a good critic if I put the cart before the horse. To me, one first should understand the levels of meaning in the poem before daring to insist on changes. Of course, some poorly written poems are inaccessible at any level. Obviously, I don't want to get a headache thinking about a poem that even on the surface has nothing to recommend it.

What do I mean by levels of meaning? I mean that any good poem should have a literal level and one or more branch levels or connotations. Too often I read poems that are simply literal statements with a few emotional buzzwords or a few intellectual talking points that do not go anywhere. In my opinion, a poem is not fully written unless it makes you feel or think beyond the literal words. Well-done poems sometimes generate the “electric effect,” perhaps causing the hair to stand up on your neck. That’s a tall order that only the truly gifted poets can fill. Even the gifted ones often fail to achieve this effect in most of their poems. The muse is truly fickle and fleeting. Consider that even the greatest poets in history are each known and remembered only for a handful of poems.

Criticism should not be taken as personally as it often is. This is easier said than done, I know, because most poets feel very close to, and protective of their literary children. Poets are usually willing to consider word, phrase, or line changes, even stanza revisions. However, when you suggest that the poem has no connotative level, many bristle. When you suggest subtly that they failed to identify an obviously more appealing, accomplished poem that could have sprung from their superficial words, many take it as an insult to their intelligence. Such attitudes do not make for a friendly, constructive workshop. I have met some poets who take pride in the fact that their poems are literal, therefore “accessible.” I say that you can have multiple levels that are accessible, so why would you want to limit yourself to the superficial?

I remember a workshop I attended that had a good mixture of skilled and wannabe poets. Unfortunately, one of those poets thought he was skilled instead of wannabe. He begged for comments and criticism of his work. When suggestions were offered, his face reddened. Instead of considering the criticism and exploring the possibilities for improving his poem, he soon erupted from his chair and stormed loudly out of the room. This is not the temperament of someone who wants to improve his poetry.

As a critic, I have my own point of view. As a poet whose work is under evaluation, you need also to assess who is offering the criticism. If you work with someone long enough, you often can predict what he/she will say. With that in mind, you can understand better how much or how little of that person's criticism you should take to heart.

It gets a little tricky sometimes. I know a poet who zooms in on and condemns any phrase sounding remotely cliché. None of us wants a cliché, but we should first examine if that cliché has been cast in a new, fresh context that might deepen the meaning of the poem. In other words, all critics may have knee-jerk reactions or stubborn preconceptions. Consider the source before you revise your poem.

The approach to criticism should also account for the experience level of the poet. A raw beginner should be encouraged with kind criticism. But how do you handle a poem from someone who clearly has not even a modicum of ability? I often feel it isn't my place to tell the poet that talent is lacking, though it bothers me when that person vows to devote his/her life to the art. I consider this aspiration analogous to the TV show, “American Idol.” The audience and judges know a bad singer when they hear one. The family and friends encouraging the singer, however, seem to be tone deaf or far too kind in their assessment of the singer's talent.

Should we as critics break the hearts of wannabes, or should we let them continue to totally waste their time? Should we encourage the poet with honesty to cease and desist? Or should we hypocritically skirt the issue and offer some positive comments on the poem? That's a tough decision.

I think I would opt for compromise. I'd wait to hear more, try to establish a level of trust, and then perhaps be as honest and compassionate as possible. The wannabe poet, like the singer who cannot carry a tune, is still likely to be crushed by any negative comment.

Clearly there are good critics and bad critics, good poets and bad poets. The combination of social beings, the mix of workshop members, dictates how well the critique session will go. Some groups of poets get along very well and offer each other a very positive, helpful environment. This sounds like a good thing, and maybe it is. I wonder, though, if the comments a poet hears from friends are the real truth, or if there is something vital held back that might benefit the poet more.

I suppose there is no perfect answer. One can only hope to find a critique group that at least inspires its members to write, a group that is just honest enough not to discourage. Groups like that do exist. If you are serious about poetry, I advise you to seek out a group and become an active member, no matter your current skill level. Vetting one's poems is vital. The greatest poem I've ever written is always the last one I wrote—perhaps until someone else reads it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Register for Workshop with Robert S. King on March 17

Robert S. King will teach at Writers Circle on Saturday afternoon, March 17, 1:00 - 4:00. His subject will include how to prepare your poetry manuscript for publishing.
We have had poets asking for such a class and I hope everyone will register early.

The cost is only $25.00. Robert is a professional poet who owns Future Cycle Press where he publishes some of the best poets.
Send your check to Writers Circle, 581 Chatuge Lane, Hayesville, NC 28904.
Space is limited.

Read more about Robert at

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coffee with the Poets made a big splash this month

Wednesday was Coffee with the Poets day in Hayesville, NC at Cafe Touche.
Mary Mike Keller, one of the Writers Circle faculty, along with a long time friend, Glenda Barrett, each read their original work for a packed house.

This event is sponsored by Netwest and has been running since 2007. Over the years we enjoyed local poets and writers as well as guests who traveled many miles to read here.

I am excited that two of my students, Nadine Justice and Barb Gabriel read at open mic and their work was evidently appreciated by the warm applause each received.

We gave a door prize yesterday - a copy of The Best of Poetry Hickory, an anthology of poets who read in 2011 at  Poetry Hickory held at Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse in Hickory, NC. This event is led by Scott Owens, poet and NCWN rep for that area.
I am happy that the winner of the book was none other than Nancy Simpson, my mentor and teacher of poetry.

I am posting a few photos from yesterday.

Glenda Barrett, poet, When the Sap Rises, chapbook from Finishing Line Press

Mary Mike Keller reads an essay on spooky stories

Robert S. King, FutureCycle Press, and newcomer, Dot James.

Nancy Simpson visits with Netwest members Joan Howard and Carolyn Johnson