Members of CCHAC at their booth in front of the historic courthouse |
Besides Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, the anthology created by Netwest and edited by Nancy Simpson, we had poetry books by Nancy and Robert King. Clarence Newton brought his brand new poetry book, Short Glances Forward and A Long Look Back, and I finally got my hands on it.
Deanna Klingle and Robert S. King at the NCWN West booth |
Anthologies, such as my Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers, sold better than poetry, so next year, I hope members who have had their work in anthologies will bring copies to sign.
Clarence Newton author of Short Glances Forward and A Long Look Back |
Deanna Klingel drove down from Brevard to sign her books. She writes for young people and had a very successful day introducing her characters to the children in Clay County.
Many thanks to Joan Howard, Janice Moore, Linda Smith and Beth and especially Robert King who was there all day both days. I was happy to introduce quite a few people to Netwest and to Writers Circle.
We almost made it through the festival without rain, but about 20 minutes before closing, the downpour started and we all came home in wet clothes. It was fun and I hope next year we will have more members participate.