So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
Showing posts with label dialogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dialogue. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2020

Sorry if you missed the dialogue class on Zoom today. Carol Crawford taught her first Zoom workshop and her students, including me, had an informative two hours with an editor who knows her stuff.

We hope to have Carol teach again in a few months. As we hunker down this winter, would you like to experience an excellent writing class with a well published writer, editor and poet? Let me know what you are interested in learning more about.

If you are an instructor of poetry or prose with a resume', please email and let's get to know each other. 

We are not offering classes or workshops in Writers Circle around the Table, the actual studio, because of COVID and some other problems, but we can continue bringing writers the best writing teachers by using Zoom online. 

Thanks to Carol Crawford and those who attended today.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Getting Back to Basics with Paula Canup

 Paula Canup
writer, journalist and former English teacher, will present a workshop on
 Saturday, March 7, 2015, 10 - 12:00.
Fee: $25.00

This  class is for all writers of prose, beginners and more experienced, who want to submit polished work for consideration by agents, editors and publishers. We all make errors in grammar, punctuation and word usage, but especially in writing dialogue. Where do we place quotation marks? When should we use quotation marks, ellipses, dashes, and how often should we use exclamation points? So many questions I hear from students and errors I see in the work of many writers will be addressed in this class.

Paula Canup is a former middle school English teacher who has also worked as a tutor in English grammar. Later, as a high school history teacher, she assigned many papers, and her students knew they would be graded on spelling and grammar as well as content.
After retiring from teaching, Paula wrote articles for a regional magazine, Southern Distinction. She later wrote regular columns for two local newspapers, The Leader in Oconee County, GA, and, locally, The Sentinel.  She worked for a year as a staff writer for the Clay County Progress.

Paula still enjoys writing non-fiction and memoirs, though she currently focuses on painting as her means of artistic expression.  She and her husband moved to Hayesville, NC from Athens, GA, in 2008, and now live on the side of a mountain where they enjoy the natural beauty of “God’s Country.”