So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pat Davis, budding novelist, Gives Good Advice

I tell my students who self-publish books to find a good professional editor before they print their books. I tell them that no matter how much we have gone over the chapters in class or how well their best friend says you have done this book, don't waste all the time and energy you have put into the manuscript by publishing a book with errors or simply a book that doesn't transition well or flow properly.
My good friend, Pat Davis is a novelist and she says it best on her blog. Read her post before you publish your book. 

New Memoir by Nadine Justice

A new writer, Nadine Justice, heeded my advice and her memoir is a very well written book, I'm a Coal Miner's Daughter, But I Cain't Sang. See it on and read my review.

She says the most valuable thing she learned about publishing a book is that you don't want to work for a year or more to write a book and then publish it before it has been polished to perfection or as close as possible. I am so happy she heeded my advice. Her book is good reading and I recommend it.

Nadine Justice, author of I'm a Coal Miner's Daughter, But I Cain't Sang

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