So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

One Last Poem for April

Poetry can say so much in a few words. But each word is important and must say more than the language we use every day. By writing poetry, I have learned how to read and understand poems by others in a deeper, more meaningful way. I advise my students who write prose, to read poetry and try to write poetry. Poetry is a way to put forth an idea  or a story in a concise manner, to say something in a few words that leave a lasting impression.

The use of metaphor increases the reader's understanding and draws him deeper into the poem. I learned to use at least one metaphor in every poem I write. 

Our Loss
for my brother, Ray

like threads tightly woven
in a fine tapestry --
fiery reds, cool blues, pale yellows.

like the petals of a rosebud
curving close around each other,
maturing, gently falling
to die upon the ground.

like a clump of grass.
Disturb one blade,
affect all that remain.

You were plucked from us,
and now we don't know
which way to lean
when the winds blow.
            ----Glenda Council Beall


  1. Your poem brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful!

  2. A thread is snipped and the tapestry starts to unravel...
    Sadly too familiar.

  3. thank you for reading my poem and leaving your comments. This weekend as I meet family I haven't seen in many years, the thoughts in these verses come to my mind again. Cousins re-weave our tapestry as we talk about your parents, grandparents, learn new stories about those who have gone on and meet some who by blood are as familiar to us as if we grew up together. Family is so important.

  4. Glenda, With your poem, it is obvious that you saved the best for last. Great stuff!
    Bill Ramsey


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