So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Callaghan, a singer from the United Kingdom

Callaghan is a young woman singer from the UK who has a voice that reminds me of singers like Emmy Lou Harris back in the sixties.

Callaghan, that is the only name she uses, held a concert in Asheville recently in a very small venue, Altamont theater. She plays piano and guitar but it is her voice that is haunting. Her lyrics are like poetry.

She writes her own songs and they are based on her life, her thoughts and  ideas. Some are uplifting tunes about enjoying life as it is today. She also wrote a sweet song for her nephew, Noah.

"We are all, right now, writing a story which will one day fascinate someone," Callaghan says. "The way we live, the decisions we make, and the moments of hope, grief and happiness which punctuate all our lives will one day make someone stop, think and wonder. All of us are writing our own 'history of now.’”

Most of my writing is autobiographical and I teach memoir writing, so I agree with her. Every life is unique and each of us has a story. She sings her stories. I write mine as poetry or personal essays.

You can find lyrics to one of her songs here.

My sister and brother-in-law, Gay and Stu, and I had no idea what to  expect when we paid for our tickets. We heard a little bit of a song by Callaghan online and decided her show sounded better than anything else in Asheville on a Thursday evening. She was accompanied by Mike Gallagher who played electric guitar and bass with his foot. I think he used a synthesizer.

We learned that this tall beautiful woman with long dark hair came to Atlanta to record an album—and she stayed. Now she tours all over the states and has made several albums.

We were so impressed with her music and her personality, we plan to go see her again when she appears at Red Clay Music Foundry in Duluth, GA, Saturday, January 7th, 2017 at 8:00  pm for Callaghan's Birthday Show.    

This song LOST (Callaghan) is about losing someone you love. It could be my song. 

1 comment:

  1. Genda, she sounds like a great singer. If she every comes to my neck of the woods, I'll try to get to her performance. Thanbbs for telling us about her.


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