So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Why No More Anonymous Comments

Who can comment on this blog? Only users with a Google Account.

Why? To open the comments to everyone, I have to allow anonymous comments that are using my space for their purposes. They are what we call Spam.
They fill up my comment box with all sorts of ads and gibberish, most in  broken English. 

I hate to make it difficult for people to leave comments because I love hearing from my readers, but most people have a gmail account these days and if you don't have one, I suggest you get one. It is very easy to sign up. Since Google bought out Blogger, they make it necessary for people to use a Google (gmail) account.

Lately I am getting email in my gmail account from some strange looking names and with only very short messages that seem to want me to give them personal information.

It is sad that we have to be suspect of everyone we meet on the world wide web. We don't know who to trust when it comes to anonymous entities showing up in our lives. Just today I heard that Facebook has discovered more of what they think are anonymous accounts from Russians. I don't think it is just Russia. I believe the bad guys online are from everywhere. 
It is hard to inform those who are legitimate readers and friends without opening my doors to suspicious nameless people out there. I am careful, but like many, I have had to change my password and once I closed an email account and deleted my favorite email name. 

In my Stats page today, I had more page views from Russia than from the United States. This often happens and I'm not sure if they are bots or what. Just looks peculiar to me. 

Meanwhile, I am very happy with my number of followers and subscribers. Thank you for being a faithful reader, but remember, when you receive my blog in your Inbox, you cannot hit Reply and leave a comment.

You must go to the website: and leave your comment at the bottom of the post. 
Thanks for visiting with me and have a great week.


  1. I too receive rather a lot of visitors (but few comments) from Russia.
    And at intervals get spammed.

  2. Don't you wonder why this happens?

  3. Of course. I cannot think of anything I post which would be of the remotest interest. Or even indicate that I have sufficient resources to be worth spamming.


Please leave your comments in the comment box. They will not show up immediately, but will publish once I moderate them. I respond to your comments when I read them.