So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Meet Children's author, Carroll S. Taylor

Today I want to introduce you to an author, Carroll  S.Taylor, who writes books for children.

Carroll moved to the mountains of north Georgia from southwest Georgia, near Columbus. She and I have much in common besides the proximity of where we grew up. I relate to the title of her first book, Chinaberry Summer. The little girl in this book, Sissie, likes to climb up in a chinaberry tree as I did when I was a kid. The birds light near her and pay no attention to her.

I had that experience in my chinaberry tree which grew in my back yard. I remember so well the exhilaration of having a bird sit within reach and sing his song. I believed he sang just to me. Of course I didn't move a muscle, hardly took a breath, because I didn't want to scare the bird. I can still feel the wind blowing my hair. I can see the vast space of green pastures and pine trees in the distance. I had my spiral notebook with me and I wrote stories and poems while up there with the birds.

The second book in Carroll's series is Chinaberry Summer: The Other Side. It takes place in 1960 when the two main characters are in sixth grade. On Carroll's website you can read her About page to learn about her background. I recommend reading the Journal pages, where you will find more about her thoughts and ideas, learn about her obsession for creepy crawly things and why she cannot understand why human beings want to kill them.

Carroll says, "Sometimes my inspiration comes to me on two, four, six, or eight legs. With my mind still in the teaching world, I can't pass up a chance to blend the best of two passions -- reading and learning about nature. I want my readers to enjoy the adventures of my characters, Sissie Stevenson and Spud McKenna, in rural Georgia and appreciate their love for reptiles, amphibians, and spiders."

See her website here.
Purchase her books


  1. They do sound good. And hooray for the inspiration that nature provides.

  2. Yes, nature is a great inspiration. You are one who loves nature, EC and I know it inspires you as well. I have to admit that I have come to respect spiders in a new way. I leave their webs up on the corners of my deck where they are actually pretty. But those that wrap around my face when I go to my car under the carport, well, I fight them all the way.


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