So not only did you teach me about writing memoir, you also taught me about reading and thinking about how others write memoir. Thank you so much! Rebecca

Accepting what is to come

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

What is a failed haiku?

Pat Daharsh lives in Florida and writes haiku. Recently she submitted another form of short poetry,  Senryū  to  

The editor liked her poems and published five of them. Pat says, "It’s an ‘acquired taste’ for some. I don’t write a lot of it, but now and then I realize that’s what I’ve written instead of haiku – and occasionally I write one or two on purpose." 

Senryū is a Japanese form of short poetry similar to haiku in construction. Senryū tend to be about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature, and senryū are often cynical or darkly humorous while haiku are more serious. 
This Editor says furtherMany years ago, at a haiku meeting, someone asked me what my definition of a senryu was, and I said: “It is just a failed haiku is all.” It was a flip answer, not particularly literary, but I have grown to like it for both its brevity and its lack of preciseness, both of which fit the spirit of senryu perfectly.”

bruised sky -
the lab tech searches
for a vein

the road less traveled

laundry day
grey sheets of rain

workday morning
the burnt toast odor
hitches a ride

always polite
a child waves goodbye
to the waves

Congratulations, Pat. I like these short poems. Readers, try writing some yourself. Send them to me and I will share them with the world. 

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